Shri Rudraji ShivShaktiji
Shri Rudraji ShivShaktiji ( aka Sevak OM) is an Unconditional Divine Representative™, a Planetary Effects Remover™, a Primordial Galactic Healer™, a Limitless Spiritual Awakener™, a Maximum Spiritual Momentum Giver™, a Spiritual Energy Enhancer™, a Tune Yourself Creator™, a Fast Life Ways Improver™, The Divine Cyclone™, The Karmic Eraser™, The Life Maker™, The Prosperity Maker™, The Wellness Maker™, The Friendship Maker™, a Divine Life Invoker™, a PSI Initiator™, a Destiny Recreator™ and an Ommm Yogi™.
He is here to spread the word of Oneness of God, to inspire Oneness among the people of earth, to eradicate differences causing mass inequality, sufferings, and poverty. His objective is for the Humanity to embrace the Dawn Of The Bliss Age™, in which every Human soul has an potential to fulfil life purpose and achieve life satisfaction and be empowered with blissfulness.